Friday, February 6, 2015

Form Follows Function (Reflection Post)

I chose to tackle hand held shopping baskets. I think they suck because as you add more items they become more cumbersome. The handles are usually placed across the short sides resulting in and odd hand hold:
I thought about just changing the position of the handles. Placing them going across the longer length of the basket but that would not solve the problem of the basket ramming your leg every time you took a step. I then took a look at shopping carts, they are considerably bigger than than their basket counterparts but having five in aisle can be stressful to the conductor. (Either that or I am just bad at grocery shopping).
My solution was to fasten the shopping basket to a rolling stand and simply have a strong and stable miniature moving shopping cart. Sorta. The wheels are an important feature because it will enable complete maneuverability. The stand is designed after curtain rods, a adjustable height knob is featured above.
This design displays form follows function because the stand solves both of the problems that hand held baskets pose, at least for me. It is similar to IV stands:
A unique feature will have to be the fasteners on platform that will support the basket. In mind I had a circular platform that will have the fasteners at the center, allowing for universal basket use, in theory. At anytime the basket can be removed from the stand.
I like the design but I am not sure about it's cost efficiency, nor if it's compelling enough to make into a product. A prototype may be able to answer this question.
At the beginning of the week we talked about form follows function, I thought I understood the jist of things but it helped having to use the concepts and apply them to a design of our own (of course working off an existing product.)

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